Sunday, November 11, 2012

She Reads Truth: Colossians Lock Screen

I am loving the current #shereadstruth reading plan on Colossians. God is really dealing with me and I am gleaning so much inspiration from this book. Today's reading was committing Colossians 1:17 to memory.  This scripture just gave me such strength and joy when I read it today, the fact that God *WAS* before anything, and He holds all creation together. Such a comfort. 
Enjoy this lockscreen to help you commit Colossians 1:17 to memory. 

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fun and Silly Head Shots!

My sweet friend Audrey was here a few weeks ago to help me with holiday mini sessions.  We took an opportunity to take some fun head shots in the little free time we had.  We ran out of time to get some of Audrey, but come Christmas its her turn! :) Everyone should take some fun/silly head shots at least once in their life, we laughed a lot! There is no way I could ever be a model, its hard to *pose* in front of a camera for a long period of time, but just for fun I enjoyed it!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Rainy Saturday Afternoon

What a lovely afternoon with my sweet girl yesterday.  We had a busy morning, and came home and spent the rest of the afternoon in our pjs hanging out on Mommy's bed. Love these moments with her, wish there were more hours in the day! 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Holiday Mini Sessions

So excited to be collaborating with my sweet friend Audrey Autry of Avenue8690 Photography to do Holiday Mini Sessions this fall! Check out my photography blog or e-mail for more info. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Weekly Truth Lock Screen: #shereadstruth Week 7

I created a lockscreen for the #shereadstruth Weekly Truth, Week 7. 
What an incredible scripture. I definitely want to memorize this one so that I can speak it into my life whenever my weaknesses decide to show themselves. 
Put it on your phone and lets learn this scripture together. 

(click and hold the image above and an option to save image will pop up,
or take a screen shot and save it as your lock screen.)

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Inspiration: Everyday Life

One of my favorite verses. 
God wants us to give him our everyday and in return 
he will change us from the inside! 
Just wanted to share a little weekend encouragement! 
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Make the Most of Everyday

I have been following the #shereadstruth girls in their devotional studies from the YouVersion app on the iPhone/iPad.  Today’s devotional was from James 4:13-15. Life is but a fleeting moment. We shouldn’t spend our days wishing for this or that or the next step in life, but we should live with the mindset “Lord if it is your will, then I will do this or that”. I am praying that God will help me in this area, as it is a big problem for me. I work so many hours and have so few hours at home with my husband and daughter, that I find myself wishing my days away. Counting down the hours until I can be home with them or just be off of work already. I pray God helps me to change my way of thinking and to make the most of everyday that I am given. For we do not know what will happen tomorrow, so we must strive to bring God glory in each day He has blessed us with. 
If you haven’t seen my gazillion instagram/Facebook posts about #shereadstruth, check it out!! It has blessed me so much in the past few weeks. I am so amazed at how quickly this has caught on, all because a few ladies got hungry for more of God’s word and wanted to help encourage each other to stick with it. I love how it is connecting hundreds of women through God’s word. We are all helping and encouraging one another as we read God’s truth in His word. It doesn’t take long 5-10 mins if you don’t have much time in your day, or you can spend as long as you like reading and praying over the devotional. Whatever works for you and your schedule. I pray that it blesses you as much as it has me and that together we can learn more, better our lives through God’s word and do more for God’s kingdom.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Studying God's Word

More and more lately I have been studying God's word. I have been more encouraged and have received more understanding than ever in my life.
A group of young women from my church, Life Church of Houston, started the Esther bible study by Beth Moore. It has been life changing! I can't wait to do the homework each week, and then can't wait for the next Tuesday night session. Each week as we study Esther verse by verse, Beth Moore relates it to our everyday lives. I used to think that the Old testament didn't/couldn't relate to my life today. Boy, was I wrong... Beth Moore lays it out and shows us how much it really does relate. I love everything I am learning from this bible study. I encourage you, if you've never done this study, to check it out. 

I am so excited about what God is revealing to me through his word.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

DIY: Maxi Skirt

I’ve found this amazing blog Elle Apparel a while back. She has some great tutorials which I've wanted to try just have never found the time. Today I sat down and tried out her Maxi skirt tutorial. Her directions are easy to follow, and the skirt was super easy to make. I didn’t have any jersey fabric on hand, so I just used some coral colored cotton I had on hand. It worked. I will be buying some jersey fabric soon to make some more maxi skirts. I am also going to try out a few more of her tutorials soon. I’ll post pics when I do. 
Here are a couple pictures of the skirt I made. 

Macelyn's First Birthday

Well I finally sat down and got pictures from Macelyn’s first birthday edited. Life has just been too busy! Hopefully now that summer is here, things will slow down a little. Today is the first Saturday in a long time we’ve not had anything planned. Mace is down for her nap and so I thought I would get her birthday pictures done and get a blog post up. 

The Birthday Party: I had so much fun getting stuff ready for Macelyn’s first birthday party. Making the bunting, little flags and favor jars was so much fun. I just love parties. We had a wonderful turn out of family and friends and Macelyn got some beautiful new dresses. Some of which she will be 2 before she can wear. :) The sun was shining, there was a nice breeze and great fellowship with all of your friends and family. Here are a few shots from Mace’s big day! 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Saavedra Kids: Galveston

We spent Sunday morning, April 29 down in Galveston with the Saavedra kiddos, Avalon and Abrahm. They had never been to the beach, and both of them had the best time. They chased the waves and ran from them, played in the sand and even got a little wet. We then went to The Strand for a stroll and ended it at La King's Confectionary for some sherbet. It was a great day and we got some great pictures for Mother's day! Here are a few shots from our day in Galveston.