Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Being a mom, wife and cook

My weekly menu
I never imagined trying to balance being a mom, a wife, full-time employee and housekeeper/cook would be so hard. I always imagine how things are going to go when I get home from work… I will cook this awesome meal, do five loads of laundry, play with the baby, give myself a manicure, unpack 10 boxes, and then go to bed. Ha-ha. Nice dream, huh?
By the time I drag myself in the door from work, around six, the only thought on my mind … laying down in my bed and sleeping for 24 hours. I start letting myself get overwhelmed and worked up when I think about everything that needs to be done and give myself a hard time, when I don’t accomplish everything I had planned to. I am realizing that it is ok, if I don’t do the 100 things that are on my list, in one night. My number one problem is this: if I sit down when I walk in the door, I WILL NOT, get up the rest of the evening. Since I had Macelyn, cooking has flown out the window. I just don’t have the energy. But in an effort to save money and be frugal, I am determined to get past this foggy feeling and get back into the habit of cooking.
Start small, I’m telling myself. So goal number 1, do not sit down when I get home. Goal number 2, only complete one or two tasks per evening, save the big stuff for the weekend.
My big goal for this week… planning out a menu for breakfast, lunch and dinner, preparing breakfast and lunch the night before, and cooking dinner every night. I feel like if I can get organized in this area, it might help everything else fall into place. I made my list for the next two weeks, and went to H-E-B last night. I have lots of healthy and delicious meals planned and am excited to get back into the routine of cooking again.
I found a new app on my iPhone that has a ton of really good recipes. I’m excited to try some new combinations. I’ll keep you all posted on how they turn out.
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  1. It's very hard to get back into a routine after baby comes along! I know how you feel :)

  2. planning is key. looks like you are on the right track. put more thought in your victories rather than defeats. give yourself credit for what you ARE doing. doing it all is a life time process. i think some people are born organized and some of us have to work at it. you are ahead of the game. thanks for sharing.
