WOW, I sure fell off the boat at the end of 2011. I really wanted to keep up with my blog, but between keeping up with a growing baby girl, the holidays, a new job (whoohoo) and everything else, I lost track!! 2012... (Wow, can't believe it is already 2012) I am going to do better! The first few post, I will get yal caught up-to-date with what happened at the end of the year/holidays, and then we will get on with some new posts. I haven't decided if I am going to try to keep a weekly theme, or just be random. I guess we will see where my mind goes as I try to get my blog organized. Oh, I do have lots of pictures to share, putting that ol' Nikon to good use. Plus, little girl's 1st birthday is in two months (*gasp*) can't believe it. I'm sure I will have some planning inspiration posts! Ok, I am going to bed now, as 5:30 comes early! G'night all!!
2 weeks ago
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